Monday, August 13, 2018

Another Monday

My favorite moment on a Monday morning is sitting down with a cup of coffee while my kids play. Sometimes I read, or get through some emails, or just sit and watch them.

When I write it down it sounds so perfect! But really, it's me reminding the big kids 200 times to play nicely, to stop jumping off the furniture, not to hit each other. It's wiping away tears and teaching my kids how to apologize. It's putting the baby down for a nap, then reheating my coffee again.

Isn't it funny the way life can look different depending on the lens you look through? I often imagine other women have a more glamorous life than I do. I think, "How amazing to go to work every day and interact with adults!" or "That mom has a perfect, put-together life with her kids." The reality is that each of us has struggles, challenges, and really beautiful moments in our lives.

As I sit here, I realize that what I struggle with most is my perspective. I imagine my life is somehow worse, or more difficult, or less glamorous than everyone else's. I get trapped in self-doubt and anxiety.

What I'm praying for today is a new perspective-- one rooted in the truth of God's word. He promises that his mercies are new every morning and that his faithfulness is great (Lamentations 3:23). When seen through the vision of Jesus's love for me, my morning becomes a gift to celebrate. I want to see my whole life through a gratefulness that stems from Christ's sacrifice for me. Often, I do not. I get bogged down in my own selfishness and struggles. I know the only way to change this is to be more deeply rooted in God's word and spending time with him in prayer.

And so that is my Monday goal: not to get the house clean again or keep the kids alive (although I'm going to do that too!) but to spend time with Jesus.  Cheers to a real Monday, enjoy your day-- the good parts and all the hard parts too.

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